Dec 11, 2011

Mine Control

I came across this story while avoiding my homework the other day about unexploded ordnances in Germany.  (Why are they called ordnances?  Anyone?)  Isn't that just a horrible story?  "600 tonnes of unexploded material discovered every year"?  How is it possible to do any city planning with that kind of threat underground?  Here in the city of brotherly affection, they need special permissions, zoning, and preparations to protect the discovery of any hidden mementos from our nation's birth.  Ah, such simpler times, the Revolutionary War. The worst that can happen is breaking some household relic that Washington kept on his nightstand, not wiping out a square mile of 21st century infrastructure.

Does Germany get to bill the US for the cost of disposal, including transporting hospital patients to safer distances?  Should they?  Discuss.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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