Apr 13, 2011

Family of Athletes, cont'd

My older sister and her husband have just returned from a skiing trip to No Man's Land, accessible only by helicopter and something called a Cat.  (She says "Cat" like I should know the word, and - as a little sister determined to be as smart as her older sister - I'm not about to reveal my ignorance.  We live in different worlds.  I'm sure she is just as confused when I use words like "traffic jam".)

There are some great pictures of her to be found here:


I would post them here, too, but last night's lecture was "Tirade Against Plagiarism, ver16" and I'm playing it safe.

Check out the photo of the three women on the bar (third row down).  I'm fairly certain that the booty on the left is my older sister.


  1. It does look like me, but it's not. I missed the raging party in favor of some quiet time alone with my husband! The big smile is mine, though. Everyone kept exclaiming over how I was always, always smiling. How could I not be, I ask you?

    Thanks for the tribute, little sister.

  2. PS I've seen a picture of a traffic jam so I know what it is : )

    Here is a picture of a snowcat: http://fyidesigndept.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/IMG_5785.jpg, the view-larger from Tom's blog. You put the snowboards/skis in that basket-like piece on the side of the cab, and you sit inside.
