Sep 5, 2010

Labor Day Menu

When I have the time, I rather enjoy cooking up a storm. Today I spent all day in the kitchen in my Mad Men-esque apron (handmade with frill and all from my kid sister). The menu:
Spare ribs
Moms Jewish coffee cake (converted into muffins)
Two homemade pizzas: sausage and white flour for My Beloved, whole wheat and veggie for moi
1# homemade fettucine

There's a new grocery down the street and they were having all kinds of BOGO on meat:
Hot dogs
Chicken breasts
Whole chicken fryer
Pork tenderloin

Someone may have gone a little crazy; we have enough meat and groceries to last us through winter!


  1. I spent my weekend cooking too! J & the Rocket went out of town for 24 hours and I spent it cooking things from scratch - refried black beans, stock from the pork bones I harvested myself at my butchering class, chocolate ice cream, peach glazed halibut from the fish M&D brought back from the Alaska fishing trip, blackberry muffins from berries picked along the roadside, and I'm dehydrating herbs to make a provincial herb rub. I feel so urban farmstead-y!

  2. Everything I cooked came from a package. But I hosted a gazillion people, and each of them brought something homemade. Does that count? : )

  3. Amazing what the hint of fall will do to us gatherers! Mom
