Jun 1, 2010

Last Day of School

Tomorrow is the last day of my Communication 520: Scientific Writing.  The professor is a hoot, and I hope to have the opportunity to take another class with him.  For examples he selects esoteric scientific references, such as patents on musical condoms ("Happy Birthday!",  "Hail to the Chief!", etc.).  I didn't enjoy this particular class b/c it had so many undergrad students in it, but the prof was a doll.

The neighbors next door have two kids who will finish with middle/high school for the summer next week.  Tonight, over the fence, I was reminiscing with the father about how delicious those last days of school feel as a kid.  Remember that?  Wearing shorts to school, totally phoning in your homework, cursing that old bat who gave homework up to the last minute, and, later as you got older, cramming as much as you prayed to pass finals. Ah, sweet sweet freedom...

The only that that beats that is a paid snow day as a working adult.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh. I see the end of classes as a parent now.

    HOLY CRAP! How will I work if the kids don't go to school?! And ... HOW much does summer camp cost?!
